Neat Concierge service

Neat Dry cleaners now offers reliable home/business  delivery and pick up service for all our customers in Oakville and Burlington. You do not need to drive over to us , we come to you .

The process is simple:
  1. Fill out the online form on this page or call us at (905) 257-2956 and schedule the service .
  2. We will pick up from designated areas and drop it off - no need to be home for us
  3. We pick up Tuesdays and drop off Fridays
  4. Zones beyond Oakville /Burlington - Please call for special arrangement


Does someone need to be home when the Dry Cleaning is delivered?

NO!  You put your laundry in a Neat Dry Cleaners Bag, and leave it in your designated pickup spot. This could be your front door/ garage/backyard or at a reception desk. We’ll pick up between the 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM on your service day during weekdays Tuesdays or Thursdays. Your cleaned and pressed clothing will be returned to you  on your scheduled date.

Do we offer Alteration and Repairs through pick up and delivery?

Yes we do, all minor repairs such as a  loose hem, damage button can be done, but for major alteration or repairs we request you to come in to make sure all the exact measurements for the alteration can be made.

How do I pay for my Pick up and Delivery Service ?

You may pay through your credit card , you will be required to give us a signed credit card authorization . When your garments are delivered back to you, you will also receive a copy of the bill.

Is there a delivery FEE ?

NO! there is no delivery fee, all we ask is the order meets a minimum of $45 to be eligible for Pick up and Delivery

Online Form